Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Today, I got out of work late and on my way home I stopped at a fast food restaurant to get dinner.  When I got to the restaurant, I parked my car and waited for my food to be delivered. After I got my food, I was backing out of the parking and suddendly noticed a couple in a car next to mine. The man was making a heart sign with his hands. I did not know what he was trying to tell me. I lowered the window to asked him and he told me “we love Wheaten Terriers too”. He had noticed the magnet that I have on my car that says “I ❤️  my Wheaten Terrier”. I told the man that I loved my Wheaten Terrier but that he had passed away a year ago. The man said that he was sorry to hear that and told me that I should get another Wheaten Terrier.
I had a long day at work today, but at the end of the day this incident reminds me of the synchronicities in life. Although Seamus is no longer with us, there is messangers that come to us when we least expected to remind us about our loved ones ❤️.

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